Meet the nerd


My name is Katie or Acorn. I am a fat, nonbinary hiker living in Wisconsin! It’s my hope that this helps fellow fats navigate and enjoy nature. I’ll be talking mostly about particular trails and my thoughts and experiences with hiking them. Most will be in Wisconsin, but not all! When I’m not out in nature, I’m usually playing video games or roleplaying/playing Dungeons and Dragons. I’m also a creator that enjoys drawing and making things.

Say hey if you see me out on the trail! Or lets get social!

A headshot of Katie. They're turned at a three quarters view showing off a shaved head except on the top, which is pulled back into a braided pony tail. They're smirking at the camera. They are wearing glasses, have their ear lobes pierced twice, and has a short beard. They are outside and it is very windy. Fat.
An image of a rocky landscape from the Palfrey's Glen hike. There are multiple massive mossy boulders and a creek to one side. You cannot see most of the sky because the bulders are so large.
How This Started

The STory, the legend

Maybe not exactly a legend. This all got started when I decided to mark off another one of my ‘to hike’ trails on my excel spreadsheet. (Yes, I’m that nerd.) Anyway, I was hiking Palfrey’s Glen and, while I had done a lot of research on what to expect, I was still taken by surprise when at the end of the hike, there were these huge boulders you were required to climb over to get to the end of the trail. And after attempting several times I just sat down and thought ‘man, this would have been really helpful to know, especially for a fat person like me struggling to fit between or climb up these things.’

And thus the idea for a blog that would include everything a fat person could need before going to the trail of their choice.

Blog Buddies


I’ve teamed up with two awesome people to support and help one another. Check out my best friend’s blog about mental health and video games and get yourself into a better headspace. Resources for mental health are also made available there!

Or, if you’re looking for bug spray, chub rub help, delicious spices, and more, check out my mom’s Apothecary for all of your salves, herbs, and essential oil needs.
